Sambutan Wakil Rektor III

Wakil Rektor III : Dr. Nur Subeki, ST., MT
Selamat datang di halaman layanan Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM).  Bidang Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni memiliki peran dan tanggungjawab meningkatkan kualitas kemahasiswaan dan alumni secara berkesinambungan sehingga dapat memberikan kontribusi yang baik kepada bangsa dan negara.
Adapun ruang lingkup bidang Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni yaitu Pembinaan bidang penalaran, bidang Minat Bakat dan Lingkungan, bidang Kesejahteraan Masyarakat, Pengembangan Karir Mahasiswa dan Alumni , BEMU, SEMU, BEMFA, SEFA, HMJ, LSO, Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM), Pers Kampus, Poliklinik. P2KK, Pengabdian Msyarakat Mahasiswa, Rusunawa dan Bimbingan Konseling bagi mahasiswa.
Misi bidang Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni Universitas muhammadiyah adalah Kreatif, Edukatif, Berkarakter dan Religius. Dengan misi tersebut dalam menyelenggarakan pembinaan kemahasiswaan dalam berbagai bidang kegiatan yang dapat memenuhi tuntutan perkembangan bidang kemahasiswaan dan tetap berpedoman pada kepribadian Al- Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan.
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Taking a New Look With European Windows and Doors Windows are the first things that people see when they enter a room. A poorly decorated room will show up poorly painted windows. European Windows are not only for illumination purposes but can also protect against sunlight, provide privacy, and make the room look better. While European style windows have been popular for decades, some homeowners choose to purchase a more American-inspired style. European styles are not so much in the decorating of the room but rather what goes into the windows. European styles are primarily white and have antique or traditional accessories such as shades and valances. The curtains in European style homes can either be made from simple cotton or silk or can be made from thick, luxurious velvet. Window treatments in European style homes also include soffits, mantle, and valances. European styled doors and windows are important for privacy reasons. White is the predominant color in European homes, which makes it easy to keep from being seen in the daytime and increases security. American styled windows and doors often have bright colors and veneers. Keep in mind, however, that a solid wood door can add an antique or homey touch to your room and helps with overall room design. With the use of French blinds, European style windows and doors can be virtually invisible. White blinds with natural grain do double duty. They help filter the light coming through and they also serve as a window cover for privacy purposes. Blinds can also serve as a protective covering for drapes or any other covering for that matter. The colors used for French blinds will not seem out of place and will blend into your walls, flooring, and furniture. Certain homes in Europe use curtains that are a single piece with many sections. These styles are called accordion curtains and can provide the homeowner with a lot of privacy. Many people also opt for Roman blinds. These types of blinds are usually window shades that fold flat when the do not need to be used. However, these types of blinds are known to be less comfortable than those used in European styled rooms. When choosing curtains in your room, it will benefit you to choose two or three fabrics. One curtain can be used for a high and low light situation, depending on your room and type of windows. White is always the most common fabric for curtains because it gives off a soft air and it is always practical to have white curtains around the room. Other colors like browns, tans, and silvers should be used if possible, although having black curtains may be preferred by some homeowners. If you want your room to look a little bit more European, you might consider adding upholstery to your room. Leather or suede upholstery is a good idea if your room is not exactly out of the norm. If you do not want leather for whatever reason, wool can work well. Although European windows and doors can give your room a new and modern look, it will be wise to match your choices to your other room decor. If you already have furniture that is a perfect match for your room's decor, you will not have any problems with matching the furniture to the windows and doors.