Student Entrepreneurial Party

Wednesday, December 24, 2014 09:40 WIB   Kemahasiswaan

The Student Entrepreneurial Exhibition is the second time which is in the form of screening and evaluating the best business ideas planned in a mature and implementable student entrepreneur. In this exhibition, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang gives awards in the form of cash to the winners which are expected to support the initial capital in realizing the Entrepreneurship that has been structured into a real business and is continued with more focused mentoring and coaching with a linkage pattern or adoptive father.
The purpose of this entrepreneurial party is to encourage the growth of prospective entrepreneurs who are qualified in carrying out business planning in a thorough manner, both in terms of idea originality, feasibility, and implementation in the field. Capture Entrepreneurs who have the potential to be developed into competitive and sustainable businesses. Disseminate discourse on student entrepreneurship as a driving force for the nation's economy and alternative solutions to overcoming unemployment throughout Indonesia.

